Men Ministry

This ministry serves as the foundation for training and development of spiritual and practical skills among men of all ages. How to relate to everyday situations that might confront them; both in their spiritual and temporal lives.

We realize how important it is to encourage our men to build and maintain good relationships and friendship with their married partners and children. Encourage father and son relationship and friendship, and build a bridge for our young men to cross over into a strong brothrhood experience.

How to maintain a stable peaceable life among fellow men that we as men can please him who has called us out of darkness into his marvellous light; and to be responsible and respectable citizens, in the church community and in their country. Paul said: 1 Cor.16:13 "Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong". Paul here is asking us men, to stand up as a man for God, and keep the faith. We want to teach biblically sound doctrine so that our men will  find and maintain their rightful place in the church.














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